Classic Twin - Secrets Revealed
Author: Stephen Kelly Date Posted:3 December 2017

Tri-Spark Classic Twin Secrets Revealed…..for your eyes only
We get asked all the time what makes our Tri-Spark Classic Twin ignition (for British Twins and singles) so different from the rest and I thought it was time to share that story with our customers and friends.
The problem we solved – when the engine is turning slowly and erratically during kickstarting and idling – the rotation of the crank can be difficult to predict – sparking at the wrong time can result in painful kickback, hard starting and lumpy running.
The solution – we use 2 position sensors – one dedicated for slow speed and one for normal running. By comparing the readings from these 2 sensors we get a much more detailed picture of what the engine is doing at low speed. Competitors can’t make this claim!
The result:
- A steadier idle
- Easier starting without kickback – see testimonial from Brian Nicholls below
- Smooth running throughout the rev range
- Reduced power consumption and less heating of the coils
More unique features
- LED indication of static timing – extreme accuracy.
- Easy self-test - complete testing of the ignition system and coils without having to jump on the kick starter!
- No black box – simple wiring, easy installation and originality maintained.
It all adds up - making your riding more enjoyable - we would love to hear your comments!
I was recently having extreme difficulties with the installation of a new B***r ignition system on my Triumph Bonneville. In fact I have both MK's iii and iv.
Once installed the bike was extremely difficult to start, kicked back violently on numerous attempts to start. When it did fire up the static and dynamic timing was proven correct. Both systems acted the same way on this bike.
I became so annoyed I started researching systems and Tri- Spark came up time and time again as the best system, so, I purchased said system, fitted it as described and it was an absolute revelation.
Started easily, ran great, ANTI KICKBACK SYSTEM worked perfectly, auto tick over system worked extremely well.
The Tri-Spark system was worth every penny and so easy to fit', absolute bees knees.
The best ignition system on the market for value.
Thank You ! Best Regards Brian Nicholls
Comments (3)
By: Roderick Tew on 8 July 2023Can i run the trispark with the original zener & rectifier on my 78 Bonneville?
Tri-Spark Response
Yes you can.
Ignition Problems? look to Lucas!
By: David Wilson on 6 January 2019I have had Trispark installed by Stephen Kelly on my Norton Commando for several (years 7 or more.) At first had a bit of trouble starting and running but it turned out to be carby problems. No more problems until last month. I started the old girl up and she was idling beautifully. Filled up with petrol ready for a 2 hr run to Adelaide SA. Out of the petrol station stopped at the 1st Island, went to take off and she stalled. Rolled back out of traffic and could not get her started again. Rolled down the hill to home where it sort of fired 4 or 5 times and conked out again. Left her in the garage for a week so I could cool down and think about it! Checked Valve rocker gaps cleaned out air filter , new plugs fitted, looked for a spark at the plugs and could find non. I decided the tristar ignition must have overheated on an earlier trip in hot weather and was going to take it in to Trispark for testing. However on reading the instructions which I had filed away I found a test section- still no good results.- finally found the kill switch was high resistance not enough voltage getting through to the Trispark unit. Bridged the switch out and ran the test and voila we have spark. So thanks Stephen for including a self test button and no thanks to Lucas for switches which let water in and allow internal corrosion. Does anyone now of a reliable replacement for the internal switches into the original sw housing with waterproofing of course!!
Tri-Spark Classic Twin Secrets Revealed
By: Paul Fotheringham on 26 November 2018Yes I totally get that. What a game changer . Shropshire Classic Motorcycles