Technical Support

For TECHNICAL SUPPORT Please click HERE to contact us.
For Installation Instructions
For Trouble Shooting Guides
Q) Do you offer a warranty on your parts? A) Yes we do and you can find the warranty on the last page of your product insallation instructions. Click here for general warranty information Ignition Warranty General
Q) What spark plugs do you recommend? A) We suggest that you check your motorcycle's manual for the recommended spark plugs.
Q) Should I use resistor or non-resistor plugs and caps? A) Your answer in this blog post
Q) Are iridium spark plugs OK to use? A) There is no harm in using iridium spark plugs like NGK BPR7EIX but be aware that they have a built in resistor for spark noise supression. With these plugs we recommend non-resistor plug caps..
Q) Does the Dual Lead Igntion Coil 6 or 12-Volt (IGC-2012, IGC-2006) have a polarity for wiring? A) They do not have a negative or positive primary terminal so you can wire them either way.
Q) The ignition warning light won't go out on my Norton Commando? A) The warning light assimilator is not compatible with regulator rectifier units that are currently available. They were designed to work with the zener diode rectifier set-up from Lucas.
Q) There are no timing marks on my Yamaha XS650? A) If you have a PMA alternators it may not have timing marks; you will need to be aware of this when installing a Compass Ignition for Yamaha XS650.
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